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You Being Double-Billed By Mistake

Complete Your Collection
Get 120 MORE Social Media Images
PLUS 120 Post Comments
for the ROOFING Niche to Give You a
Grand Total of 180 (AKA 6 months of daily posts!)

120 Social Media Images
PLUS 120 Post Comments


You already invested in achieving your goals. 

Now…let me fast-track you…

When you ADD 120 MORE completely Done-For-You Social Media Images, PLUS 120 MORE post comments.

Having access to the full library will do 3 things for you and your business:

      1. Help you provide a more complete, robust service solution for your clients
      2. Offer 2 x daily posts for 90 days OR 1 x daily for 180 days (you’ll have 3 or 6 months of posts in the bag)
      3. Create a monthly recurring revenue stream with longer contract terms for 90-180 day service packages


    1. You’ll have a GRAND TOTAL of 180 UNIQUE Images

    2. PLUS 180 Post Comments!

You can post 2X daily and have enough content for
90 days or just post once a day and have
enough for SIX MONTHS!

I typically use the once-a-day posting strategy, I find that’s good for most businesses.

You can recycle this image pack to shuffle and re-run as often as you need to.  (That’s…the SET AND FORGET element of this)

This upgrade offer of 120 more graphics PLUS 120 more post comments – is the equivalent of 4 extra months of social media content for your ROOFING clients, and 4 extra months of guaranteed income for you.

You can essentially schedule content for 6 months out and generate monthly recurring revenue without having to touch the campaign again.

Why this offer is so valuable?

Again, I hate math, but let’s do a little here… 

You’re getting 120 high quality social media images PLUS 120 post comments for less than $50

That means for each image, plus the post comment, your cost is about 42 cents! 

The value here is self-evident, but if you want to check for yourself, just head on over to Fiverr and see that you’ll have to pay up to TEN TIMES the amount for the images alone.  Each image runs between $3-4 on the low side. 

Oh, and have I mentioned that you get a commercial license for both the images and the comments…so you can use them for multiple clients – NO LIMITS!  

The images were created by a designer who is my full-time employee. You won’t find them ANYWHERE ELSE online!

Grab these 120 EXTRA IMAGES

lock in your 6 MONTH library & start serving
your piece of the $51 BILLION US ROOFING niche today!

But, what about the money back guarantee?

Given the instant access and digital delivery nature of this product, we do not provide a money back guarantee on this product.

So please make sure you can and will use it before purchasing.

We enjoy working with serious marketers who know the value of a Done-For-You product like this, who are serious about building a Micro-Service offering to grow their business.

Click the button
below to get INSTANT ACCESS!!!

120 Social Media Images
PLUS 120 Post Comments

One last thing… I want to send a BIG THANK YOU for reading this letter.

I’m truly excited for you to get started with these additional assets, you and your clients will see the value and the results.  
See you on the inside,

Jeanne Kolenda          

P.S. I really hope you don’t let this offer pass you by.  Why not go ahead and get the full 6-month image library now. You’ll recoup your total investment in the first month from your first client!

120 Social Media Images
PLUS 120 Post Comments

Copyright 2021 – All Rights Reserved

**This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.
*Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda Social Niche Packs and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “Social Niche Packs”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 8+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.